Collaboration Protocol between Ambipombal, Industrial Waste Collection and ATS

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Collaboration Protocol between Ambipombal, Industrial Waste Collection and ATS

The collaboration protocol was signed, under advantageous conditions and in a simple way for ATS Associates, between Ambipombal Industrial Waste Collection and the Sintra Tourism Association (ATS), in the collection of contaminated waste Covid-19.

In view of the requirement of the “Clean and Safe” seal and DGS guidelines, for the collection of contaminated waste by companies specialized in the treatment of this type of waste – Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), a collaboration protocol was drawn up between Ambipombal and ATS .

Through this protocol, ATS Associates benefit from an agreed price on the delivery and collection of a single-use container of contaminated waste, through a simple operational procedure agreed between Ambipombal and ATS, already communicated to our Associates.

The Sintra Tourism Association has endeavored to provide its Members with adequate tools, necessary for the development of their activities. The protocol now signed guarantees easy access to this legal imposition for all.